সাশ্রয়ী মুল্যে ওষুধ অরর্ডার ‍করুন

Category: Personal Care

Showing all 23 results

  • Anema (7 gm+19 gm)/118 ml

    Anema (7 gm+19 gm)/118 ml

    ৳ 250.00

    Diabasic Sodium Phosphate + Monobasic Sodium Phosphate 7 gm+19 gm)/118 ml ইঙ্গিত: Al মাঝে মাঝে কোষ্ঠকাঠিন্যের স্বস্তিতে ব্যবহারের জন্য। Use ব্যবহারের জন্য যেখানে অন্ত্র পরিষ্কারের প্রয়োজন যেমন শল্য চিকিত্সা করার আগে এবং পরে, প্রসবের পরে এবং পার্টাম, প্রোকটোস্কপি, সিগমাইডোস্কোপি বা কোলনোস্কোপির আগে এবং অন্ত্রের রেডিওলজিকাল পরীক্ষার আগে। ডোজ এবং প্রশাসন: প্রাপ্তবয়স্করা, প্রবীণ এবং 12 বছরের…

  • -8%

    Anosil Ointment

    ৳ 185.00

    Adults (over 18 years): To be applied sparingly to the affected area at night, in the morning and after each evacuation up to a maximum of 4 applications a day. Thoroughly cleanse the affected area, dry and apply ointment on a gauze dressing. For internal conditions use the rectal applicator provided. Use for a maximum period of one week. This is topical administration only.

    Pediatric Use: This medicine is not recommended for children under 18 years old.

  • -7%

    Betaburn Ointment 25 gm

    ৳ 65.00

    • Burn
    • Leg ulcer
    • Surgical wound
    • Obstetric wound
    • Cracked nipple

    Dosage & Administration:
    A thin layer of Betaburn ointment should be applied to the whole burn/affected area 3-4 times daily.

    Betaburn ointment is available 25 gm in Lami tube.

  • -6%

    Candirox Nail Lacquer

    ৳ 150.00
    • Before starting treatment, any loose nail or nail material should be removed using nail clippers or nail files. If one has diabetes or problems with numbness in toes or fingers, he/she should talk to the health care provider before trimming the nails or removing any nail material
    • Ciclopirox Nail Lacquer should be applied evenly over the entire nail plate once daily (preferably at bedtime or eight hours before washing) to all affected nails with the applicator brush provided. If possible, It should be applied to the underside of the nail and to the skin beneath it. The nail lacquer should be allowed to dry approximately 30 seconds before putting on socks or stockings
    • Ciclopirox Nail Lacquer should be applied daily over the previous coat
    • Once a week. Ciclopirox Nail Lacquer should be removed with an alcohol pad (nail polish remover). Using scissors, clippers, or nail files, the damaged nail should be removed as much as possible.
    • This cycle (steps 2 through 4) should be repeated throughout the duration of therapy (6 months to 48 weeks).
  • -7%

    Cicloson Nasal Spray 50 mcg/spray

    ৳ 325.00
  • Clinail Nail Lacquer (Amorolfine 5% W/V)

    ৳ 500.00
    • Nail damage
    • Nail discolouration
    • Fragile or brittle nails
    • Feeling like your skin is burning
    • Serious allergic reaction, showing symptoms such as difficulty breathing, severe skin rash, swelling of the face, lips, tongue, or throat. If you experience this, stop use and seek immediate medical help
    • Allergic reaction, e.g. skin redness, itching, hives, blistering, allergic skin reactions
  • -7%

    Clopirox Shampoo

    ৳ 325.00

    Shampoo is indicated in the treatment of Seborrheic dermatitis, Dandruff, Inflammation and Swelling of the scalp.

  • -8%

    D-Film Solution 15ml

    ৳ 230.00

    Salicylic Acid + Lactic Acid
    স্যালিটিক সলিউশনে মাত্র ৭ দিনে ভালো হবে আঁচিল

  • -7%

    Dricare Topical Solution

    ৳ 205.00

    Aluminium Chloride Hexahydrate is indicated for the treatment of excessive perspiration of the underarms, hands, feet and scalp.

  • -8%

    Emolent Lotion 120 ml

    ৳ 230.00

    EmolentTM is used for the treatment of dry skin conditions.

  • -8%

    Emolent Plus Cream

    ৳ 185.00

    Use in pediatric patients: Suitable for infants and children.
    Use in geriatric patients: Suitable for the elderly.

  • -8%

    Mediplus Antiplaque Dental Floss

    ৳ 115.00

    Antiplaque Dental Floss
    “Mediplus: Precision floss for superior plaque removal and gum health.”

  • -8%

    Melano Cream

    ৳ 185.00

    This cream is indicated for the short-term treatment of moderate to severe melasma of the face, after starting the treatment avoid presence of sun. Use a sunscreen of at least SPF 30 or more.

  • -13%

    Melasin Cream 30 gm tube

    ৳ 170.00

    This cream is indicated for the short-term treatment of moderate to severe melasma of the face, after starting the treatment avoid presence of sun. Use a sunscreen of at least SPF 30 or more.

  • -10%

    Melatrin Cream 30 gm

    ৳ 180.00

    This cream is indicated for the short-term treatment of moderate to severe melasma of the face, after starting the treatment avoid presence of sun. Use a sunscreen of at least SPF 30 or more.

  • Odomos Mosquito Repellent Cream With Vitamin-E 100g

    ৳ 210.00

    ODOMOS MOSQUITO CREAM 100G Buy Odomos mosquito repellent cream 100g online in Bangladesh from Cellsii.com at best price. Ideal for the kids, the cream makes you virtually invisible and the mosquitoes are unable to bite you. Odomos offers the most effective protection from mosquitoes, the carriers of deadly viruses that cause diseases like Dengue, Chikungunya,…

  • -6% Pilosol Rectal Ointment

    Pilosol Rectal Ointment

    ৳ 150.00

    This rectal ointment is indicated in-

    • Internal and external hemorrhoids,
    • Anal pruritus
    • Anal eczema
    • Anitis
    • Perianitis
    • Acute hemorrhoidal thrombosis
    • Anal fissure
    • Pre and postoperative treatment in cases of hemorrhoidectomy
  • -10%

    Prodentalb Breath Spray

    ৳ 225.00
  • -8%

    Reli Balm 25gm

    ৳ 185.00

    Neck & Shoulder pain

    Dosage & Administration:
    For adults and children over 12, rub well on the affected area. Repeat 3 to 4 times daily.

    Each lamitube contains 25 gm Neck & Shoulder Rub.

  • -7%

    Splendora 5% Scalp Lotion

    ৳ 560.00
    • Patients with cardiac abnormalities
    • Children below 18 years of age
    • Patients using occlusive dressings or other medicines on the scalp
    • Patients with red, inflamed infection, or irritated or painful scalp (including psoriasis & sunburn)
  • -8%

    Trimela Cream

    ৳ 185.00

    This cream is indicated for the short-term treatment of moderate to severe melasma of the face, after starting the treatment avoid presence of sun. Use a sunscreen of at least SPF 30 or more.

  • -7%

    Trugain 5% Scalp Lotion

    ৳ 510.00
    • Patients with cardiac abnormalities
    • Children below 18 years of age
    • Patients using occlusive dressings or other medicines on the scalp
    • Patients with red, inflamed infection, or irritated or painful scalp (including psoriasis & sunburn)
  • -8%

    Trugain-2% Minoxidil USP

    ৳ 415.00

    Following topical application Minoxidil is poorly absorbed from normal intact skin, with an average of approximately  1.7%  of  the  total  applied  dose  ultimately  reaching  the  systemic  circulation.  Minoxidil  works  in  part  by  partially  enlarging  the  hair  follicles  and  reversing  the  miniaturization  process.  By  enlarging  miniaturized  follicles,  the  growth  phase  of  the  hair  cycle  is  prolonged,  allowing  the  hair  to  become longer and thicker looking. Minoxidil also causes vasodilation of the microcirculation around the hair follicles which may stimulate hair growth. Following cessation of topical dosing of Minoxidil, approximately  95%  of  systemically  absorbed  Minoxidil  is  eliminated  within  four  days.  Minoxidil  does  not cross the blood brain barrier and are excreted principally in the urine.